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Children from different countries come together to find solutions for the problems in our world, particularly in education.

Lets know some SDGs to follow and make a better, safe and a peaceful world.
by kaushi

A book about the importance of sustainable development goals, focusing on poverty eradication, economic growth, and climate action. It provides proposals for help and highlig…
This story introduces various teams of young scientists who are working on different aspects of climate change. Each team focuses on a specific area, such as weather forecast…

A collection of essays on various topics related to the environment, technology, inequality, and sustainable development, written by two 12-year-old authors.

This is the biography of Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan political and environmental activist who won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work in sustainable development and women's righ…

An informative book about poverty, its causes, and what can be done to address it.
by brooke_1234

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