Sweden Books

    A brief introduction to Sweden, its capital city, and Easter traditions, including egg painting, dressing up as witches, and traditional food.
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    A brief introduction to Sweden, its seasons, clothing, food, culture, and famous awards.
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  • Santa Claus in different countries
    A description of different Santa Claus figures and Christmas traditions in Germany, France, England, Sweden, and Czech Republic/Slovakia.
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  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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  • Fancy a trip to Sweden?
    Aurora and Dylan discover Aurora's newfound ability to teleport. They embark on an adventure to the Swedish History Museum, where they encounter a strange elevator that sends…
  • Customs around the world
    Christmas Eve is a big celebration in Sweden. They have a special custom where the family has dinner and opens presents after going around the house three times. It is intere…
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  • Hitler Became Littler
    During World War II, Danish Jews were saved from Hitler's power when a group of people in Denmark decided to ship them to Sweden on fishing boats.
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  • Christmas in Sweden
    A young girl in Sweden celebrates the Christmas season and participates in the tradition of St. Lucia, but also reflects on the country's history of racism.
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