Switch Books

  • nintendo switch
    Sophie introduces and provides information about the Nintendo Switch, its features, history, and success.
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    A child named Macy goes to the mall with her stepdad and mom on Christmas Eve. She gets a Nintendo Switch and two games, but has to wait until Christmas to play them.
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  • Will Little Bear go back to school?
    Little Bear is anxious about how Covid-19 will affect the upcoming school year. Will he be able to go back to his classroom or will he have to learn remotely?
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  • Titanic or Olympic?
    The story explores the theory that the Titanic and Olympic were switched, presenting evidence such as different decks, propellers, portholes, and more.
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  • The Poem Machine
    Annabeth and her friend Saima use a haiku generator for a poetry contest, but Annabeth accidentally submits a comedic haiku instead of Saima's poetic one. They switch poems, …
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  • Phoenix And The Town Power Outage
    Agent Phoenix and a team of linemen work together to fix a power outage in town caused by frozen power lines.
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  • Rosie's Switch
    In a small town, Rosie switches the babies she cares for, leading to different lives for the boys. Thomas becomes spoiled and cruel, while Carter is mistreated. Rosie regrets…
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  • The Colour Monster
    The Colour Monster, who struggles with his emotions, befriends Joe the chameleon, who teaches him how to use colors to express his feelings.
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