Sydney Books

  • A family in Sydney, Australia introduces themselves and their daily lives, including their home, pets, and relatives.
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  • SISTERS Saving the Reef of Maldives
    An inspirational book about friends traveling together on their dream vacation. They discover coral bleaching and feel impassioned to spread awareness of the impact of pollut…
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  • Sydney The Hero
    This book was just made, i double read it and it is amazing! please read it! I was looking around the web and i saw StoryJumper. I was like, " i needed this to write a book!"…
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  • Diary of BFF's By: Sydney Sid Khuong CRUSHES
    Sofia and Sydney's new neighbors move in, bringing intrigue and mystery. The girls, along with their new friend Pelin, navigate school life under a suspicious substitute teac…
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  • More Alike than Different
    A young boy with down syndrome teaches other kids that no matter how different someone seems, there will always be things that make you alike.
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  • Out of the depths
    A group of friends on holiday in Sydney have a memorable experience when they help rescue a stranded whale.
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  • The Adventures of Babba the Panda
    The adventures of Babba the panda, who has lived a very sheltered life until a genie appears and challenges him to swim across the ocean. Can he do it? Or will he forever rem…
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  • My Punny Jokes
    This is a book full of jokes that should probably make you laugh. :)
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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