Table Books

  • Sturdy
    A little table faces challenges and finds strength in acts of kindness, reminding us to embrace our uniqueness and touch the lives of others.
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  • M Learns Her Times Tables
    M, a girl struggling with math, gets help from a tutor named Cait to learn her times tables in creative ways and gains confidence in her abilities.
  • Roblox Adopt Me Guide: Table of Contents.
    This is the Table of Contents for the series of books I'll be doing on this topic. If we get this book to 500 likes on the first 30 days, I"ll be doing a giveaway!
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  • Thanksgiving With My Family
    Many of the holidays throughout the year bring out the very best in each and every one of us. For one day love can be so powerful that we smile until we all meet again. Smile
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  • Hockey!
    Mike, a hockey player, asks Coach Dave if he can put hockey pucks on dots in a pattern. They discuss the number of pucks and create a table and graph to represent it.
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  • From the Farm to the table
    This book provides information about fruit farms in Ohio, their history, types of fruits grown, and their importance. It also includes a glossary, activity challenge, and add…
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  • Manners at the Table
    A guidebook for children on proper table manners, emphasizing cleanliness, politeness, and etiquette.
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  • Nuts About Table Manners!
    Eddie Kitt teaches children about good table manners through a fun and engaging story. He covers various dos and don'ts, from using a napkin to not playing with food.
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