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A collection of short paragraphs about various math-related topics, including origami, tangrams, Fibonacci spiral, geometric mean, and COVID-19 pandemic.

A list of various games and challenges, including balance game, computer games, eTwinning Challenge, memory game, Otello, Sudoku, and Tangram.
by acostant2191

A description of various games played by students in different months, including Tic-Tac-Toe, Su Doku, Cram Game, Jigsaw Planet Puzzle, Doku Taş, Tangram, and Learning Apps G…

MATEMATİĞİ OYUNLA ÖĞRENİYORUM - I LEARN MATHEMATICS WITH GAMES is a collection of math games and activities. It includes coding games, pattern games, symmetry games, and more…
by Pınar Şimşek

A group of students use balloons to launch rockets in their schoolyard, exploring various subjects like science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.

This story introduces various school subjects and the activities done in each. It mentions science experiments, technology experiments, engineering experiments, art activitie…
by cidemis

A group of animal friends go on a trip to Portugal, traveling by boat and plane, and have a fun-filled adventure together.
by Serdoura

Rohan, a weak student in math, finds a magical book that helps him excel. When it goes missing, he decides to study hard and prove himself.
by Sabhya Gupta

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