Tanks Books

  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
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  • Thomas the Tank Engine Teaches
    Thomas the Tank Engine helps to identify "T" words for young children.
    Eye Icon 1213
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  • Hope the Optimist Bear
    Hope the Optimist Bear was created by the Junior Optimist Organization. It is a bear we deliver to local hospitals with a story book written about her. We do a school wide c…
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  • The Fish Tank Disaster
    Alexis saves money to buy a fish, but the fish keep dying. She seeks advice from her mom and Pawpaw, and they get a bubble maker to save the remaining fish.
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    This book is about tanks and some random but awsome facts about them
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  • Tanks of WAR World War II
    A brief overview of World War II and tanks used during the war, with some historical facts and information.
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  • Caring for Your Fishy Friends!
    A guide on how to care for fish as pets, including tank size, water changes, feeding, and dechlorination.
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  • Daisy the Cat
    A small gray cat in the woods searches for a friend and a home, encountering various animals along the way. Eventually, she is adopted by a girl named Ella and finds happines…
    Eye Icon 590
    Star Icon 65
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