Target Consumers Books

  • Agriculture Storybook
    A farmer in Mirandasingsville discusses the location, farming methods, target consumers, potential problems, and economic impact of their farm.
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  • Rice Farm
    A description of a rice farm in Parabatai, its location, agriculture practices, transportation, and target consumers.
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  • AP Human Geography
    A description of a fictional farm in the city of Drayland, including its location, size, type of agriculture, crops and livestock, transportation, target consumers, potential…
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  • The Fabulous Farm
    A description of a farm in Bonavista, Canada, including its size, crops, transportation, target consumer, problems, and solutions.
  • ABC's of Ecosystems
    An informative book that introduces children to key concepts in ecology, such as abiotic and biotic factors, food webs, and ecosystems.
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  • All About Sugarcane's Agriculture
    A description of a farm in Marabawe, Sugarcane, including its location, crops, transportation, target consumers, and possible problems.
    A description of Oliveston's farms, including their location, size, type of agriculture, crops grown, transportation methods, target consumers, potential problems, and econom…
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  • Agriculture
    The story provides information about Tractor Bros Farm in Abbgalia, including its location, size, crops, livestock, transportation, target consumers, and challenges. It also …
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