Tasting Books

  • Henry The Parrot
    Come Along With Henry As He Flies Around Tasting The World
    Eye Icon 2370
    Star Icon 128
  • A Mouse On The Moon
    Marvin, a lonely mouse, dreams of tasting the moon, so he builds a rocket with his friend Dolly the deer and discovers the truth about the moon.
    Eye Icon 363
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  • The Five Senses
    A young child describes how they use their five senses to experience and understand the world around them.
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  • The Big Bake Off
    When Mayor Cherry is in need of a birthday cake, two bakers have to battle it out for the title of Best Baker in Fruity Ville and the honor of baking the mayor's birthday tre…
    Eye Icon 14108
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  • The 5 Senses
    A simple and informative book that introduces the five senses and their functions in an engaging way.
    Eye Icon 472
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  • Some of My Best Friends are ORANGE and other interesting things
    A book about the color orange for young children to see and hear.
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  • Katherine teaches readers how to taste wine like a pro, explaining the steps and importance of each. She emphasizes the need for experience and moderation in learning about w…
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  • By Khadija Kennedy
    A shy girl overcomes her fears and discovers the joy of community and friendship at a block party.
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