Taxes Books

  • Tax Story
    Jack, a pirate, navigates the complexities of filing taxes. He learns about deductions, exemptions, and receives a large refund.
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  • The Monster TAXES
    Hamm, scared of taxes, tries to defeat them but fails. Eventually, he and others avoid paying taxes and celebrate.
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  • Do I have to pay taxes?
    Edward learns about taxes and their importance in funding public services like schools, roads, fire stations, and libraries.
  • Why Do We Pay Taxes?
    A second grade children's book that explains the importance of paying taxes!
    Wilton is really struggling at school and so his parents decide to get him a tutor. When all of the best tutors are booked up, Wilton's parents hire a tutor with a unique sty…
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    Jane learns about factors that contribute to a healthy community and envisions improvements for her own community in the next 25 years.
  • Earning My Freedom
    A brief overview of the American Revolution, including events such as the Sons and Daughters of Liberty, Townshend duties, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, Continental Con…
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  • Taxes
    This book provides definitions and explanations of various tax-related terms and concepts, including types of taxes, deductions, taxable income, and tax forms.
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