Team 10 Books

  • A Book of Math Stories to Solve
    A collection of math word problems for children, covering various topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and money.
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  • Soccer Players
    A book about soccer, including famous players and events, with a focus on the World Cup and women's soccer.
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    This book tells the inspiring life story of Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play in Major League Baseball. From his challenging childhood to his groundbreaking…
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  • Cricket For Beginners
    This book will talk all about batting bowling and the basics of cricket. So if you are looking to start your cricket career then this book will show you what you need to get …
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  • NBA Hoop Session
    A list of NBA players and their achievements, including scoring and assist leaders.
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  • Pokemon Go
    Arjun shares his experience and opinions about the popular game Pokemon Go, including joining a team, visiting Poke Stops, and the new update of having a buddy Pokemon.
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  • Pokémon Adventures
    This is a thrilling adventure story about Dylan and Mason, two young boys who embark on a Pokemon journey. They encounter various challenges, including battles with Team Skul…
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  • My Soccer Story
    Maris, a 10-year-old soccer player, shares her exciting game where she gets injured but still helps her team win.
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