Team Rocket Books

  • The Lost Pokemon
    Ash, Misty, and Brock encounter Team Rocket in the woods. They battle with their Pokemon and face various challenges before reuniting with their trainers.
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    Ash, a young Pokemon trainer, embarks on an adventure with his electric Pokemon, Pikachu. He faces challenges from both good and evil teams, catches many Pokemon, and compete…
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  • pokemon
    A brief introduction to various Pokemon characters and their evolutions.
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  • Pokemon
    Ash Ketchum, a Pokemon trainer, embarks on a journey with his Pikachu. He faces challenges from Team Rocket but overcomes them with the help of his friends and Pokemon.
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  • The Great Pokemon Adventure
    Please like my book and please check out my friend Kamron's book.
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  • The Pokemon Adventure
    Zachary and Shane, two brothers from NYC, go on a Pokemon adventure to Pallet Town, battle gym leaders, and encounter Team Rocket.
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  • Jayden and Rayquaza
    Jayden and his Pokemon, Rayquaza, face a challenge when Team Rocket kidnaps Rayquaza. With the help of Jayden's siblings, they rescue Rayquaza and live happily ever after.
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  • Greninja's Life
    Jessie, James, and Meowth try to catch Greninja but fail. They end up in prison and are freed by Meowth. They plan to invade an island to capture Greninja.
    Eye Icon 337
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