Technology Books

  • Minecraft
    A child describes their love for playing Minecraft, including building, playing on servers, using commands, taming dogs, crafting, using mods, and fishing.
    Eye Icon 19880
    Star Icon 415
  • StoryJumper
    A review of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of using StoryJumper, a website for creating children's books.
    Eye Icon 29215
    Star Icon 329
  • Unplugged
    "Unplugged" is a book about a bear family that is not paying attention to their littlest member because everyone is too busy with their favorite technology. Discover what ha…
    Eye Icon 1149
    Star Icon 136
  • How I Met Your Father.
    A prince and princess find love through Facebook, despite being far apart. They get married and live happily ever after.
    Eye Icon 4444
    Star Icon 194
  • The Mathematics Competition Part III
    Having just discovered that Professor Zwiebel's work has actually been the development of a thinking machine, Charles and Elizabeth travel once again to London to take part i…
    Eye Icon 2690
    Star Icon 97
    A description of Storyjumper, a tool for creating and sharing personalized stories with props, scenes, photos, and text. It emphasizes creativity and fun.
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    Star Icon 152
  • Ultimate Car!
    A group of spy kids and their talking car fight against bad cars and solve mysteries.
    Eye Icon 1035
    Star Icon 58
  • Cool Robots
    A short story about the capabilities and potential of robots, encouraging readers to build their own.
    Eye Icon 954
    Star Icon 78
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