Texting Books

  • A Texting Story
    This is about a girl and a boy who r BFFS and the girl might not be such a good friend...
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  • Pippy and the Stereotype
    Pippy, a tomboy, faces challenges when she wants to join the school baseball team. With determination and support from her friends, she proves that girls can play baseball to…
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  • Annie Marie and the Texting Terror
    Annie Marie gets upset when her friends have a playdate without her and sends a mean text. She learns the importance of being careful with words and apologizes.
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  • Another Texting Story
    This is another friend book where there is 2 friends who meet up. 1 friend gets mad at the other and it turns into total drama.
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  • Texting While Driving
    A personal story about a near accident caused by texting and driving, and the impact it had on the author's mom.
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  • The Case of the Hacker
    Makala, a girl who receives mean texts from a classmate, overcomes the situation with her friend Rosie's help and agrees to go to the movies with him.
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  • Maya's life
    Maya, the former boss of M&M's, contemplates throwing a tantrum but decides to go shopping instead. She meets a friend in the food court and receives a text from Sally, w…
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  • The Texting and Driving Monster
    The king of Drivingville wants to stop the Texting and Driving Monster. They try to catch him, but fail. Officer Smith educates the monster about the dangers of texting and d…
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