Tooth Loss Books

  • What will happen when you lose your tooth?
    Two children lose their teeth and receive coins from the tooth fairy, leading to excitement and a desire for more tooth loss.
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  • the day l lost my tooth
    A child discovers a wiggly tooth and eagerly awaits showing it to friends. The tooth falls out during show and tell, bringing excitement.
  • Why Smoking and Tobacco is bad for you...
    An informative book about smoking and its effects on the body, including tooth loss, cancer-causing chemicals, addiction, and health risks.
  • Owls
    An informative book about different species of owls, their habitats, behavior, diet, and hunting techniques.
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  • Sam's Wobbly Tooth
    Sam is scared and anxious about losing his tooth, but with the help of his parents, he gains confidence.
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    Greyson is an 11 year old who becomes obsessed with getting in shape. He turns to a radical online diet to shed the pounds but that's not enough. So Greyson goes to a gym to …
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  • The African Elephant
    An informational book about African elephants, covering various aspects of their lives and characteristics.
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  • henry and ribsy
    Henry, a boy with loose teeth, eats soft food and feels sad. His friends help him by pulling out his teeth with a string and a dog.
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