Tree Planting Books

  • Earth Day
    A short informative text about Earth Day and ways to help the Earth.
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  • Earth Day
    Johnny and Lucy learn about Earth Day from their mother and decide to take action to keep the Earth healthy and clean.
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  • If There Are Trees, There Is Life
    A lonely oak sapling in a wasteland longs for friends. A little girl befriends him and together they plant trees, attracting more friends and creating a forest. The story emp…
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  • Nature
    The story describes the animals in the author's locality, the cleanliness efforts in their city, and the tree planting activities in their community.
  • Air Pollution Due to Rubbish in The City of Bandung
    A student in Bandung analyzes the air pollution problem caused by rubbish accumulation and suggests solutions like waste sorting, tree planting, and reducing car use.
  • MAGIC TREE HOUSE The Trees At Sundown
    Jack and Annie embark on an adventure in their magical treehouse, where they meet a logger named Ed. They convince him to plant more trees instead of cutting them down, fulfi…
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  • Soil conservation
    A comprehensive guide to soil conservation techniques, including contour tillage, terracing, tree planting, cover crops, and more.
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  • Envinonment pollution
    Pollution harms the environment and health. It has various causes, including natural events and human activities. Remedies include wastewater treatment, tree planting, and re…
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