Trek Books

  • Winston the Cat And His Polka-dotted Hat
    Winston, a black and white cat, searches for his polka-dotted hat in various places but can't find it. With the help of his friend Chuckles, they check the woods and get caug…
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  • The Other World
    Adken, a strange kid who sticks to his computer, gets sucked into a digital world and encounters his own spirits. He eventually wins a game and returns home.
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  • Helen Keller
    The biography of Helen Keller, a deaf and blind woman who overcame adversity to become an educator, activist, and journalist.
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  • Nowadays
    A grandfather takes his grandchildren to a museum, reminiscing about his own childhood visits and noticing the changes. He learns that change is important and enjoys sharing …
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  • Brycen's Tremendous Trek
    Brycen, a young immigrant, journeys to America for a fresh start, facing challenges and corruption, but ultimately finds his voice and helps others fight for change.
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  • The MormonTrek
    The story follows the journey of Joseph Smith and the Mormons as they face religious persecution, embark on a trek, and establish their church in Utah.
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    A group of grandparents go for a trekking trip when they reach the top off the mountain, a various things takes place and they all disappear and solve a big maze.
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  • On-to-Ottawa Trek
    A historical account of the On-to-Ottawa Trek during the Great Depression in Canada, highlighting the government's response to unemployment.
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