Trumpet Books

  • Beauty - It's only Skin Deep
    “To all the girls that think you’re fat because you’re not a size zero, you’re the beautiful one, its society who’s ugly.” ~ Marilyn Monroe
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  • Louis Armstrong
    The story of Louis Armstrong, a talented musician who overcame adversity and became a famous trumpet player and singer.
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  • The Trumpet
    A brief introduction to the trumpet, its history, sound production, and famous pieces that feature it.
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    Dalitso Banda - u225026

    Bulelwa Mzimela - u21609102

    Kutlwano May - u21680699

    Zane Wiltz - u22510738
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  • The Little Trumpet Boy
    Bill, excited to join the band, struggles to find the right instrument. Bullied by a classmate, he gains confidence and proves his talent.
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  • The Lord's Feasts: for kids Fall Feasts
    The book narrates the stories of three families from different parts of the world, each preparing for a religious festival. The Zigmans in Jerusalem prepare for Yom Teruah, t…
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    Granddaughter Jillian will soon be having a surgery to enable her to walk. It will be a long recovery and she will be hospitalized for 6 to 8 weeks. She will also be separate…
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  • Sentence transformation 1
    The content of the book is intended to help my students practise to paraphrase sentences.
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