Tsunami Books

    A devastating tsunami hits a city, forcing the protagonist and their family to flee. They face loss and start anew.
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  • 2009 Samoan Tsunami
    This story provides information about the 2009 tsunami in Samoa, its impact, and the country's recovery.
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  • tsunami
    An informative text about tsunamis, their causes, and the recommended actions to take when one occurs.
  • The Tsunami
    In this book one boy go on a vacation to the sea, it was fun at first, but later it got worst.
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    Yuuki, a young boy in a Japanese village, warns his community of an impending tsunami and saves them all.
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  • Tsunamis
    This story provides information about tsunamis, their causes, effects, and how to prepare for them.
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  • The Myth of Prince Tsunami
    In a land ruled by the King of Seas and Queen of Soil, a betrayal leads to devastating consequences.
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  • The Tsunami of Constantinople
    A mermaid princess in Constantinople and a merman prince near Turkey face conflict when the Ottomans attack. The princess saves her city, but the people flee to Italy, leadin…
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