Tumors Books

  • How I met Sylvia
    Dylan, a 7-year-old boy, shares his journey of being diagnosed with a brain tumor, undergoing surgeries, and his recovery.
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  • Getting to Know Cancer
    This book explains what cancer is, how it spreads, and how it can be treated. It also provides tips to reduce the risk of cancer and support someone with cancer.
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  • Princess and the Tumor
    Moana, a girl from Hawaii, forgets her sunscreen while surfing and gets sunburned. Her grandmother advises her to see a witch doctor for help. After treatment, Moana shares h…
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  • The Journey of Titus
    Titus, a young football player, faces challenges from injuries to cancer. With determination and faith, he overcomes them and achieves his dreams.
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  • ABC's of Cancer
    You (and your child) can learn the ABC's of cancer by reading this book. Book number two in the "What Is? Series".
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  • The Story Of Terry Fox
    The story of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who overcame cancer and inspired millions with his Marathon of Hope.
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  • Terry Fox
    The story of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who overcame cancer and inspired millions with his Marathon of Hope.
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    Works about Mediterranean Diet by the students of Class I A De Sanctis High School - Salerno (Italy).

    This work has been developed within the eTwinning Cultural Her…
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