Uganda Books

  • Love, Hope, Uganda... The Big Change
    This book was written and published by students in the Reidland Intermediate School STLP group. This group of students have worked tirelessly to provide needs all over the w…
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  • Dan the Gorilla
    Dan, a mountain gorilla in Uganda, faces habitat destruction and the threat of extinction. With the help of humans like Mike and conservation efforts, Dan's species is saved.
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  • Uganda Knuckles Takes Over America
    An introduction to federalism, explaining the four types of powers: Enumerated, Reserved, Concurrent, and Denied.
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  • Uganda and its History
    A brief history and description of Uganda, including its size, geography, cultural groups, colonization, and independence.
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    A picture book about the wild side of the Pearl of Africa Uganda by a 6 year old girl.
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  • A brief introduction to Uganda, including its location, capital city, fun facts, important features, flag characteristics, and mention of fauna and flora.
  • The World of Uganda
    A brief overview of Uganda's geography, history, and impact of imperialism, with a focus on negative consequences. Mentions Joseph Kony and ongoing issues like human traffick…
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  • Uganda
    Jennifer's experience living in Uganda, learning the culture, and making a change. She explores the country's geography, landmarks, products, people, and environmental intera…
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