Underage Drinking Books

  • Jamiima receives an invitation to her friend Shakira's Sweet 16 party but declines due to the presence of alcohol. The story highlights the dangers of underage drinking and i…
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  • Greg Says No to Alcohol
    Greg, a freshman, attends a party where alcohol is offered. He refuses and calls his dad for a ride home. Greg's actions lead to positive outcomes and he helps his friend Pet…
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  • Youth Justice Criminal System
    Greg and Elaina, under the influence of alcohol, take a joyride in a stolen car. They crash into a gas station display, get arrested, and face legal consequences.
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  • Alcohol & Drugs
    An informative book about different types of drugs, their effects, and the consequences of drug use. It also explains how drugs can cause stress on the body.
  • 'Think before you Drink!'
    Andy and Leon go to a nightclub, where Leon buys them vodka martinis. Andy refuses to drink, but Leon drinks both and leaves Andy worried. Leon crashes and dies, teaching the…
    Seth, a troubled boy expelled from multiple schools, learns about God and changes his ways after the death of his grandma.
  • Stay Clean
    Steve learns a valuable lesson about peer pressure and underage smoking after trying a cigarette at the park.
  • Stephen Breyer
    The story follows the life of Breyer, from earning the rank of Eagle Scout to his career and personal life.
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