Undercover Books

    When a mad bomber threatens the city, the police are left with no choice. They have to contact Lollipop, Undercover Clown. He's unconventional but gets the job done. As it tu…
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    Sprinkles is a stray kitten who now lives at the local police station. He's also a cop and a darn good one.
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    Officer Wilson Owens is sent to Huntington Beach, California to investigate a gang of surfers that have been robbing luxury cruises.
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  • Undercover Illusions Book 5
    A confused protagonist wakes up in a new place and discovers they have powers, meeting others with different abilities.
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  • The Undercover Bully
    Beatrice is a nice person and everyone loves her..... everyone except Cindy.Read on to find out how they work it out in "The Undercover Bully".
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  • Undercover Superheros
    two sisters are superheros one sacirfices their self dose she survive?
  • Undercover
    Kacie, a detective at World Wide Cases (WWC), is assigned to investigate a suspicious principal at her hated old school in Minnesota. She goes undercover as a cheerleader and…
  • Koala Undercover
    Kai the koala receives a mission to stop Dak the dingo. On his way, he helps an animal in trouble but falls into Dak's trap. However, Kai manages to escape, defeat Dak, and e…
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