Ungrateful Books

  • The Ungrateful Bee
    A story about an ungrateful bee who learns a lesson from a girl named Lola and becomes grateful.
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  • Ungrateful Emma
    Emma, a 10-year-old girl from a poor family, learns to be grateful and help others. She faces challenges but finds happiness in kindness.
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  • The Ungrateful Korah
    All i want to say is how do you think of the Fairy-Dust Chandelier i made? It wasn't too hard but surely it was kind of hard. The easy hard.
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  • Little Amber
    Amber, a spoiled and ungrateful girl, learns the importance of gratitude and kindness when confronted by her nanny. She changes her behavior and becomes understanding and app…
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  • The Ungrateful Princesses
    A man seeks revenge on twelve princesses who sneak out every night, but his plan backfires when the soldier who discovers their secret marries one of them and becomes king.
  • The Ungrateful Crow
    A crow named Emma tries to fit in with peacocks by wearing their feathers, but is rejected and learns a valuable lesson about gratitude.
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  • The Ungrateful Grasshopper
    a ungrateful grasshopper who does
    not take the time to appreciate
    kindness and polite manners shown by people of a small village. The grasshopper takes advantage of…
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  • The Ungrateful Sister
    Clara and Denise are sisters who fight a lot. When Denise gets hurt, Clara takes care of her and they become closer.
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