Unilateral Books

  • What Are Contracts?
    An informative book about different types of contracts, including bilateral, unilateral, and implied contracts, with examples and explanations.
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  • Albert's Revenge: Election Day
    Albert, a student, fights for his right to vote in a school election and ends up becoming the president of the Student Council.
  • ABC's of Health and Exercise
    An alphabetical list of exercise-related terms and their definitions, from anabolism to Zumba.
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  • Creating Contracts Skit
    Madie breaks her fence and hires a contractor to fix it. They discuss contracts and payment. The contractor finishes the job, gets paid, and leaves. Madie plays with her dog.
  • Bing and The Student Council
    Bing, a 7th grade student, wants to improve the student council's decision-making process. He suggests a republic form of government and successfully removes the current lead…
  • Right Deal
    Ken, a young rapper, goes viral on Instagram and gets a record label offer. He faces challenges when the label tries to give his song to another artist. Ken sues and wins, fu…
  • Deep Blue Deal
    A shark named Mr. Shark makes a deal with a fish named Alex to not scare anyone, but breaks it when provoked. They later reconcile and become friends.
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