Union Army Books

  • Grierson's Raid April 1863
    Reflection of the Southern Claims Commission Petition of Malinda Noblen nee Price in 1872 for losses incurred during the Grierson Raid of April 1863. Placed into context of t…
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  • The Story of Harriet Tubman
    This is a brief biography of Harriet Tubman, detailing her early life, work with the Underground Railroad, and contributions during the Civil War.
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  • Red Badge Of Courage A-B-C Book
    The story follows Henry, a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War. It explores themes of bravery, dedication, loss, and victory.
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  • Harriet Tubman
    The story of Harriet Tubman, an American abolitionist born into slavery, who escaped and helped others find freedom.
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  • African-Americans in the Civil War
    This book provides a historical account of the involvement of black soldiers in the Union Army during the Civil War, highlighting their contributions and challenges.
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  • The Red Badge Of Courage
    A story about Henry's experience in the Union army during a battle, his friend Jim's death, and his escape to the woods.
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  • Civil war ABC book
    A collection of short paragraphs about various events and figures from the American Civil War, lacking clear organization and coherence.
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  • John Scobell: Civil War Spy
    John, an African American slave, is an undercover spy for Allan Pinkerton during the Civil War. He takes on various roles to gather information and helps the Union army win.
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