Units Books

    Detectives Bugson and Stinger work for an elite squad that helps to keep the peace between bugs and humans. Sometimes there are problems between the two species. That's when …
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  • A Tour of Macromolecules
    Dr. Garfield takes readers on a tour of macromolecules, explaining lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and proteins, as well as important processes like dehydration synthes…
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  • Unit: No Poverty
    An informative book about poverty, its causes, and what can be done to address it.
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  • Geologic Time Scale
    A journey through the history of the Earth and the universe, from the Big Bang to the present day, exploring different units of time and significant events.
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  • The History of Nintendo
    This book is about the history of main Nintendo consoles and events.
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  • Title : Introduction to ENG 101
    A collection of units to be covered in various subjects, including descriptions, reflections, reviews, and essays.
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  • Miles and Miles
    A boy named Miles, who dislikes miles as a unit of measurement, is transported to a magical world to learn about them.
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