Universities Books

  • Puzzles
    This book is for ENG101 at Illinois State University, breaking the genre of children's books.
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  • Emily's Dream of College
    A chicken's dream of going to college and the obstacles she had to face.
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  • Hi, I'm Amy!
    My name is Amy, I wrote this book as part of a project for
    my Masters Degree at The University of Saint Joseph.
    I currently reside in Farmington, CT with my boyfriend…
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  • Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone
    The story follows the life of Harry Potter, a young magician with unique powers, as he attends a magical university, faces challenges, and ultimately triumphs over a villain.
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  • Our First Story Book of Animals 我们的第一本动物故事书 by Dr. Foster
    This is a book for young children and for Mandarin learners. Join Barrack as he considers, with the help of a friend, what kind of animal he wants for a pet.
    by ge23
    Eye Icon 5270
    Star Icon 131
  • Indianapolis Guide
    This book is a collaborative effort by three second-grade classes, providing an informative guide about Indianapolis. It covers various landmarks, institutions, and historica…
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  • The Five Senses
    A young child describes how they use their five senses to experience and understand the world around them.
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
    Eye Icon 22195
    Star Icon 1109
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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