Unlucky Books

  • Diary of a Minecraft Player
    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in the world of Minecraft? Find out in this diary of an unlucky Minecraft player named Steve.
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  • The Unlucky Duck
    A duck with bad luck gets separated from its family but is helped by a frog to reunite with them, realizing it's actually a lucky duck.
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  • The Unlucky Man
    A man gets lost in the woods, encounters magic mermaids who help him return to normal size.
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    Some people believe that sometimes we swallow spiders in our sleep. That is just an urban legend and pretty much impossible. However, what if for one unlucky kid named Horace…
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  • The Unlucky Duck
    Lucy, a small yellow duckling, feels unlucky because of some mishaps. Her friends help her realize that she is actually lucky to have them and a great home.
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  • Cartman's WEEK
    A story about Cartman's unlucky week, filled with problems and consequences.
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  • Unlucky Thieves
    A young child and their brother discover that their house guests are actually thieves, and they work together to outsmart them.
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  • The unlucky boy
    Oliver, a boy with a streak of bad luck, discovers a fortune teller who changes his perspective and helps him turn his luck around.
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