Urgency Books

  • Global warming
    An informative essay on global warming, discussing its causes, effects, and the need for immediate action to mitigate its impacts.
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  • The King Of Hearts
    This is a biography with a twist.... a fairy tale. This is a short story of my father-in-law's life. It is told for all children to enjoy. All through this book you will fi…
    Eye Icon 2012
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  • Alliterative Story of School
    A collection of random sentences, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet, showcasing various activities and events at school.
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    Andy, a lazy plumber, constantly puts off his work until tomorrow. But when he receives urgent calls for help, he must overcome his laziness to save the day.
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  • Global Warming!
    A short, urgent message about the impact of global warming and the importance of taking action.
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  • LittleBird
    LittleBird is the story of a lonley pigeon who just wants to be cared for, that is, until he met the kind, old Bird Lady...
    This book is suitable for 9-12 years of age.
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    A group of kids from Valencia and San Benedetto del Tronto join forces to clean up their polluted beaches and raise awareness about plastic pollution.
  • NASA climate scientist speaks on his tearful protest
    A NASA scientist's tearful protest on the climate crisis and his call for urgent action to combat global warming.
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