Usurer Books

  • The Poor Man
    A man seeks a loan from a usurer but gets scared in a tunnel, encounters a bodyguard, sees a skeleton, and ultimately abandons his plan.
  • The Devil and Tom Walker
    Tom Walker, a miserly man, makes a deal with the devil to acquire Kidd the Pirate's treasure. He becomes a usurer and grows wealthy but is ultimately taken away by the devil.
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  • By Dante Alighieri
    Dante and Virgil journey through the Sixth and Seventh Circles of Hell, encountering various souls suffering their eternal punishments. They discuss philosophy, sin, and puni…
    by lizg
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  • ABC's of Romanticism
    This is an alphabetical exploration of various themes and concepts found in Romantic era writings. Each letter represents a different theme, from Abstract Things to Zany idea…
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