Valence Electrons Books

  • Bond Man: A Chemical Bonding Superhero
    Sodium and chlorine, jealous of the noble gases, learn about ionic and covalent bonds from Bond Man and form sodium chloride and water.
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  • PiNK
    Can Calvin, a high school chemistry teacher, match wits with the richest and most intelligent scientist in the world? When that scientist is his brother who is trying to tak…
  • Periodic Table of Elements Guide Book
    The story provides a detailed explanation of the periodic table, including the properties and roles of different elements. It covers topics such as families/groups, periods, …
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  • Just another bonding story
    A story explaining Lewis Dot structures, delocalized electrons, ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds using a narrative approach.
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  • .
    This informative text provides a comprehensive overview of the periodic table, detailing the properties, roles, and examples of various elements. It covers subatomic particle…
  • Periodic Table Book Project
    This informative text provides a detailed explanation of the Periodic Table, including periods, groups/families, protons, metals, nonmetals, metalloids, valence electrons, an…
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  • The Ultimate Guide to the Periodic Table
    This informative text provides a detailed explanation of the periodic table, including the role of protons, elemental properties, valence electrons, and the nine families of …
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  • chemical bonding's
    This book provides a comprehensive explanation of chemical bonding, including ionic and covalent bonds, valence electrons, and the properties of compounds. It aims to deepen …
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