Videos Books

  • The Evil Video Game
    A boy who loves video games gets transported into one and learns a lesson about balance and moderation.
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  • Video Games
    A book about the history, graphics, and popularity of video games, with a glossary and bibliography.
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  • The Ninja Who Played Video Games
    A boy tries to play video games while his mom is away, but gets caught and reprimanded.
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  • The Magic Spider
    Two friends get sucked into a video game and are rescued by a magical spider.
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  • Minecraft vs Roblox
    Compare everything from creativity to kid-friendliness in these two popular building games.Our advice? Given the Wild West nature of both of these games, consider sitting wi…
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  • All about Fortnite
    An informative book about the popular video game Fortnite, including its release date, player count, popularity, facts, and weapon rankings.
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  • Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
    The story follows AVGN, a YouTube artist, and his adventures with his friends. They play games, encounter magical moments, and have friendly competitions.
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    Minecraft is a video game where players can dig, mine, build, and enchant things. It offers different game modes like Survival, Creative, and Adventure.
    Eye Icon 680
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