Villain Books

  • Spoink
    A boy named Bob accidentally brings a baby toy to life with a potion, leading to the creation of several other animated objects. They must save their friend Eggy from the vil…
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  • Dr. Evil
    Dr. Evil creates a robot, but it turns evil and escapes. He traps it in a mansion and plans to defeat it next time.
    Marinette, secretly Ladybug, and her friend Adrien face challenges including a birthday party cancellation and a villain's plot to trap parents in bubbles.
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  • Villain Cats and the New Beginning
    You know the Super Cats but you don't know the VILLAIN CATS!!! Wait to see a villians side...once other authors make books be posted! I will chat them here when they come out.
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  • Super Ryan vs Kermit The Frog
    Kermit, the world's most dangerous frog, escapes from prison and outsmarts his pursuers with the help of a government laser.
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  • Heroes and villains
    A collection of short descriptions of various heroes and villains from different books, movies, and games.
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  • Triplets part 2
    Enjoy this book shout out to the person who made triplets
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  • The bad superhero
    A lazy superhero faces challenges and eventually proves himself, but a new villain emerges. The story ends on a cliffhanger.
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