Virtual Learning Books

  • Ashley's Virtual School
    Ashley is starting a new virtual school and doesn't know how it's going to go. She made many friends but along the way, she found out two girls were making fun of her. She do…
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  • I Survived Virtual Learning. 2020-2021
    A student reflects on their experience of virtual learning during the pandemic, highlighting challenges, achievements, and appreciation for their teacher.
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  • Our Virtual School Year 2020-2021
    A collection of reflections from Mrs. Kerr's 4th grade students about their experiences with virtual learning during the 2020-2021 school year.
  • First Grade Virtual Learning
    A collection of short statements from students about what they learned during the year.
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  • Is Virtual Learning our Future?
    After high school, I found my passion for nursing and navigated virtual schooling during the pandemic, balancing work and studies while adapting to new learning environments.
  • The Virtual Hero
    Ellie's first day of online school is marred by embarrassment, but a classmate's kind words help her embrace her unique home and spread kindness.
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  • Adelyn's Notebook
    A child describes their enjoyable time spent with family during school closure due to the coronavirus threat.
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  • My life during this 2020 Pandemic
    A child's reflection on their experiences during the pandemic, including school closures, virtual learning, and family celebrations.
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