Visual Impairments Books

  • Visual Impairment and Blindness
    This book provides information about visual impairments, including definitions, characteristics, causes, accommodations, and education plans.
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    Ronin, a new student with a visual impairment, faces bullying from Jackson. Despite the challenges, Ronin enters an art competition and wins, proving his abilities.
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  • Assistive Technology
    This story discusses the use of screen readers and keyboard filters as assistive technologies for individuals with visual impairments or typing difficulties.
  • See Me Help Me Love Me
    Individuals with special needs are defined as those with mental, physical, and language disabilities. The story discusses different types of disabilities and the challenges f…
  • Assistive Technology
    A brief introduction to assistive technology in education, including examples of alternative keyboards and screen readers.
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  • Dogs that Help Us
    This book provides information about different types of service dogs, therapy dogs, and working dogs, highlighting their roles and the breeds that are best suited for each ty…
  • Service Dogs
    This book introduces different types of service dogs and how they assist people with disabilities, highlighting their training and benefits.
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