Voting Rights Books

  • ABC's of Martin Luther King Jr.
    A brief biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his activism, achievements, and impact on civil rights in America.
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  • Shelby Jacobs: African-American Aerospace Engineer
    The biography of Shelby Jacobs, an African-American aerospace engineer who overcame discrimination to make significant contributions to the space industry.
    Eye Icon 427
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  • Voting and Elections
    A historical account of voting rights for puppies, highlighting the changes made to include all puppies in the process.
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  • My Citizenship Scrapbook
    Claire Risler shares her citizenship journey, including rights and responsibilities, immigration, voting rights, and the election process.
    Eye Icon 77
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  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book tells the life story of Martin Luther King Jr., a prominent civil rights activist in American history, from his childhood to his assassination.
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  • The Day she Tried to Vote
    The story of Fannie Lou Hamer, a civil rights activist who fought for African American voting rights in Mississippi.
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  • The Civil Rights Legend
    The story of Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights activist who fought for equality in the United States. From his upbringing to his influential speeches and actions, this b…
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  • MY Country
    A brief overview of the rights and responsibilities of American citizens, residents, and the history of voting rights.
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