Vsco Girl Books

  • vsco girls meet copyright
    Ocean, a vsco girl, discovers her friend plagiarized her aesthetic post. She educates her friend about copyright and forgives her.
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  • VSCO girls meet copyright period:4
    Ocean, a VSCO girl, gets upset when her friend posts a picture from her VSCO. She reports her friend for copyright infringement and educates her about fair use and privacy. H…
  • Rainforest Drama
    Snek, a green snake, and VSCO girl, an invasive species, clash in the Brazilian rainforest as VSCO girl's actions disrupt the ecosystem. Tally, another rainforest resident, h…
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  • The Ultimate Tik Tok Battle
    Vanessa and Eva compete in a TikTok battle, but Eva steals Vanessa's ideas. Vanessa confronts Eva and wins the battle. She educates Eva on copyright and Creative Commons.
  • The Kidnapping of the President
    A student discovers the president is missing and teams up with friends to solve the mystery, finding him asleep in a locker.
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  • Ultimite Tik Tok Battle
    Vanessa and Eva compete in a TikTok battle, but Eva plagiarizes Vanessa's dance. Vanessa confronts Eva and wins the battle. She advises Eva to use TikToks with public domain …
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  • sally's seashells
    Sally searches for seashells to sell, but faces challenges. She decides to make shell necklaces instead.
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