Warfare Books

  • Tanks of WAR World War II
    A brief overview of World War II and tanks used during the war, with some historical facts and information.
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  • Life in WW1
    A first-person account of life in the trenches during WWI, including the challenges, dangers, and strategies used by soldiers.
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  • World Warfare
    A brief overview of three historical conflicts: the Peloponnesian War, Genghis Khan's conquests, and the Crusades.
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  • Blitzkrieg (Lightning Warfare)
    A brief overview of Germany's use of Blitzkrieg strategies during World War II and their ultimate defeat.
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  • 草船借箭
    In ancient China, Zhuge Liang outsmarted the enemy by using scarecrows and a clever strategy to produce 100,000 arrows in 3 days.
  • Renaissance A-Z Book
    This is an informative piece that provides brief descriptions of various historical and cultural elements, each corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. It covers topics fr…
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  • Mongolian empire By Ardakh
    A brief introduction to the history of Great Mongolia and the conquest of Baghdad
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    An alphabetical list of terms related to World War I, including key events, countries, and concepts.
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