Warnings Books

    Drake Rake doesn't believe in climate change and is paid big bucks to do so. On the way home from an environmental conference in Finland, Rake's plane crashed up in the Arcti…
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  • The Princess & the King
    The princess chooses to disobey her father's loving warning and finds herself lost and afraid.
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  • Dead Tales Book 1 The Ghost Warning
    Shadow Puppet Wolves are trying to take over! what will the wolves ever do? read to find out... ( ages 9 and up )
    by . D
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  • Cat and the Rat
    A rat that get cornered by a cat and escapes by rearranging the letters in his name to change shapes.
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  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
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  • Trash Mountain
    A fun poem that teaches kids to think about over-consumption and recycling.
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  • Warning Tale: Grendel
    Grendel, a little monster, loves chocolate. He gets a special chocolate egg with three wishes. His first wish is for more chocolates, and his second wish is for everything he…
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  • Mami Knows Best
    A young girl learns the importance of listening to her mother's warnings after a fall at her aunt's house.
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