Waterfalls Books

  • Waterfall Mysteries
    An informative text about waterfalls in Australia, their importance, dangers, and precautions.
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  • Oh No!! The Waterfall
    Sara and her family visit a beautiful waterfall, but it's filled with rubbish. They clean it up and learn the importance of taking care of nature.
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  • The Poems of Nature Volume 2
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 1 that I hope you will read…
    Eye Icon 1688
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  • Keke and Kewalaka
    Kewalaka, a boy from Hawaii, searches for a best friend among the moon, volcano, sharks, waterfall, dolphin, and wave, until he finds Keke.
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  • The White Unicorn
    A white unicorn explores a beautiful forest, saves everyone with her magic, and makes new friends. She also gets a rainbow mane and tail.
    Eye Icon 2177
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  • The Unicorn
    A description of unicorns and their magical qualities, including their habitat, behavior, and relationship with humans.
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  • Have You Seen The Waterfall?
    A group of friends discuss different natural wonders, such as waterfalls, mountains, volcanoes, oceans, deserts, and rainforests, sharing interesting facts about each.
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  • Cleopatra and the Magic Flute
    Cleopatra finds a magic flute that whisks her to the land of fairy tales! She has to get home soon or she might run out of time.
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