Wealthy Merchant Books

  • Beauty and the Beast
    A wealthy merchant's daughter, Belle, is taken captive by a monstrous beast after her father plucks a rose from the beast's castle. Belle promises to stay with the beast but …
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  • Beauty and the Beast
    A wealthy merchant's daughter, Beauty, agrees to stay with a beast in his castle. Over time, she grows to love him and breaks the curse, turning him into a prince.
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  • Beauty And The Beast
    A wealthy merchant's daughter, Beauty, sacrifices herself to a monster to save her father. The monster turns out to be a prince under a curse, and they live happily ever afte…
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  • The Merchant of Venice
    'The Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare is a captivating play that explores themes of love, friendship, justice, and the consequences of prejudice. Set in Venice duri…
    A story about a boy named Malin Kundang who becomes a wealthy merchant but disowns his mother, leading to a curse that turns him into stone.
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  • The Fragrance
    A wealthy merchant's son falls into bad company, but a saint's lesson teaches him the importance of staying true to his good qualities.
  • whispers of the desert
    In the village of Sandspring, Layla seeks an ancient oasis to help her people, facing the greedy merchant Khalid. Together, they learn that sharing is key to survival in the …
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  • The Beauty and The Beast
    A merchant and his family face hardships, but Beauty's kindness breaks a curse, turning the Beast into a prince.
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