Weeds Books

  • A Lesson from the Garden
    Poor Mr. Weed is being bullied by all of the beautiful flowers in the garden. Mr. Weed is shy and doesn't look the same as the rest of his roommates in the garden. He …
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  • WEED and YUPPY
    WEED AND YUPPY is a story about a weed and how he makes friends.
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  • Organic Girl & Earth Defender
    Organic Girl and Earth Defender take on The Evil M and GMOs, but they need your help!
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  • What do You See in My Mama's Garden?
    My family's dream was to have a pollinator garden that pollinators would come to world-wide.

    The county government killed my parents' dreams of helping to take car…
  • Lift Your Head Sunflower
    Being different is no excuse to not live in peace and harmony. We all have something wonderful deep down inside us to share with this world. Respecting our uniqueness and i…
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  • Patrol Disaster
    Life may have its ups and downs, but we can always choose to feel grateful and blessed.
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  • Iridis
    A short fish tale on helping others and protecting the environment featuring Iridis, the Longfin Anthias (Pseudanthias ventralis ventralis).

    The Longfin Anthias is …
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  • tumble Weed
    Jose, a small boy with three older brothers, wishes he was as tall, brave, and tough as them. But he realizes he has his own strengths and is loved by his parents.
    by Adge
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