West Nile Virus Books

  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
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  • The West Nile Virus
    An informative introduction to the West Nile Virus, covering its origins, transmission, vectors, symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
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  • Grandpa and the Great, Big, Giant Coronavirus
    Grandpa explains to Sam about the COVID-19 pandemic, its origins, how it spread, and the measures taken to control it. He also explains concepts like viruses, vaccines, and h…
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  • KID HEROES Combating the COVID-19 Virus
    Kid Hero AJ and his friends teach kids how to stay safe from COVID-19 through handwashing, not touching their face, cleaning their room, staying home, and other activities.
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  • West Nile Virus
    A bird with West Nile Virus infects mosquitoes, who then infect pirates. The pirates get sick but eventually recover.
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  • Penelope's Journey West
    Penelope and her family move from North Carolina to California during the Gold Rush. They experience boomtowns, panning for gold, vigilantes, and wealth.
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    Marcus, a 9-year-old video game enthusiast, downloads a new game called 'Golden Empire'. The game causes his computer to blackout. With the help of his friend Zach, they disc…
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  • The Missing Flower
    East or west home is best.
    Let's help our friend flower to go back home
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