Winnipeg Books

  • The Story Of Terry Fox
    The story of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who overcame cancer and inspired millions with his Marathon of Hope.
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  • Winnipeg
    A list of statistics, must-visit places, and resources about Winnipeg, including its population, area size, and tourist attractions.
  • Terry Fox
    The story of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who overcame cancer and inspired millions with his Marathon of Hope.
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  • Provinces and Capitals
    A brief introduction to the provinces and territories of Canada, highlighting their notable features.
  • The Story of Terry Fox
    The story of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who overcame cancer and inspired millions with his Marathon of Hope.
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  • Hockey teams
    A list of NHL teams, their establishment dates, and Stanley Cup wins.
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  • The Life of Irene Ayako Uchida
    A short and simple children's book that gives a biography on the Canadian scientist Irene Ayako Uchida with the hope that children will be able to read this and have someone …
  • The Great places of Canada
    A Moose, Beaver and Loon go to each province and territory in Canada and visit something special!
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