Winter Ball Books

  • High school life
    a book about a girl vanessa , her boyfriend amarie,and there friend charlotte have a christmas party but charlotte goes missing and it is up to vanessa and amarie to find out…
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  • Cappie, the Salty Dog
    This is a non-fiction fourth grade level book about our rescued Chocolate Lab, Cappie. It encompasses only her first year. Due to limits in pages this is a shortened version …
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  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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  • The Lovely Princess
    This is meant for all the little girls who dream about becomming a princess, but this is a little more realistic about what they should want in a prince so next time they pla…
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  • The Wolf With White Fur
    A wolf cub who never felt accepted in her pack soon goes on the journey of a lifetime to discover the true meaning of bravery and having a family.
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  • The Four Seasons
    A child describes the four seasons, their activities, and asks readers about their favorite things to do in each season.
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  • Marvin the Mouse
    Marvin the Mouse tries various ways to get into a warm house during winter, but eventually finds a cozy spot in a boy's coat pocket.
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  • First Grade with Mrs. Raynaud
    A first-grade student named Max describes his experiences and lessons in school, particularly highlighting the positive impact of his teacher, Mrs. Raynaud.
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