Winter Sports Books

  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
    Eye Icon 33874
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  • Snowboarding Gear
    A guide to snowboarding gear, including snowboards, bindings, boots, clothing, and safety equipment.
  • Olaf, The Snowman.
    Olaf, a snowman, dreams of going to the beach and learning summer sports. With the help of Queen Elsa, his dream comes true.
    Eye Icon 700
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  • The Land of California
    A descriptive poem about the diverse landscapes, attractions, and culture of California.
  • Fore's Fourth Grade Poetry Collection
    A collection of short poems and descriptive phrases about various subjects, including animals, nature, sports, and personal experiences.
    Eye Icon 79
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  • ABC's of the Olympics
    An alphabetical guide to various sports and athletes in the Olympics, from archery to Zou Kai.
    Eye Icon 210
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  • ABC's All About Me!
    A personal narrative about the author's life, including family, hobbies, travels, and education.
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  • My Favorite Season
    The narrator expresses their love for winter, describing the cold weather, snowman-making, seasonal fruits and vegetables, cozy activities, and winter sports.
    Eye Icon 32
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