Witch Doctor Books

  • Princess and the Tumor
    Moana, a girl from Hawaii, forgets her sunscreen while surfing and gets sunburned. Her grandmother advises her to see a witch doctor for help. After treatment, Moana shares h…
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  • Pregnancy
    A brief overview of pregnancy, including symptoms, doctor visits, and the birth process.
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  • Why Turtles Have Shells
    A turtle's valuables are stolen, so he seeks help from a Witch Doctor to get a shell and protect his belongings.
  • Salem Witch Trials
    This Book is about the tragedy of the Salem Witch trials in 1692. It is for ages 6-9
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  • Cappie, the Salty Dog
    This is a non-fiction fourth grade level book about our rescued Chocolate Lab, Cappie. It encompasses only her first year. Due to limits in pages this is a shortened version …
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  • What a True Hero Is
    9-year-old Gram shares his story of grief for any child that might be grieving, too.
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  • Morning Laughs
    This book is a collection of jokes gathered by Mr. Noyes, filled with humor and wordplay that can brighten up any child's day.
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    Cam, an ugly girl with curly hair, is mistreated by her family and kingdom. She falls under a spell, gives birth, and dies young. Her daughter, Camilla, is accepted when she …
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