Wooden House Books

  • My Reading Family
    Charlotte, a hearing-impaired girl from a reading family, shares her love for books and how they have shaped her life.
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  • The Little Birdhouse
    A little birdhouse is sitting on a branch, waiting for a bird to come and live in it.
    Eye Icon 9165
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  • The Wooden House
    A mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, and bear live together in a little house until the bear destroys it. The animals scatter in fear.
  • Rosalie and the Magic Crown
    Rosalie, a little girl, finds a magic crown and becomes a peacock. She realizes being herself is best and returns to human form.
    Eye Icon 83
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  • Little House in the Big Woods
    A story about Laura and her family's life in a wooden house in the woods, filled with chores, adventures, and celebrations.
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    A group of players land on Fortnite Island, fight their way to victory, and make plans to play again.
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    A shipwrecked man named Gulliver becomes a hero in the land of Lilliput, helping them win a war and earning their admiration.
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  • Toy Time
    Saige, a girl with talking toys, sneaks out to the park through a portal. They encounter Vortex, who wants Captain Lazor. Saige's brother and sister save her, but they end up…
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