Working Abroad Books

  • Going to work abroad: an exciting opportunity or a scary one?
    The story discusses the advantages and disadvantages of working abroad, including salary, cultural exposure, personal development, adaptation challenges, and risks.
  • All about me
    A small town girl dreams of traveling the world and learning new languages. She shares her experiences studying abroad, teaching English in Vietnam, and working as a teacher …
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  • Global Opportunities
    A project called Global Opportunities helps students explore activities they can do abroad, such as studying, working, and volunteering. The guidelines explain how the projec…
  • Galuh Dreams Book
    A student shares their plans for the future, including studying abroad, working, and joining social organizations.
  • Corona Virus
    A story about life during the coronavirus pandemic, emphasizing the importance of staying home and following safety guidelines.
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  • My dreams and my daily life
    The author shares their dreams, daily life, and future aspirations in this autobiography. They discuss their ambition to become a lawyer, their study routine, hobbies, and pe…
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  • The Journey of Education
    Jason, a poor student, dreams of studying at Harvard. Despite challenges in English, he perseveres and with a professor's help, he succeeds and fulfills his dream, vowing to …
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  • My Golden Retriever Dog
    The story of Chunky, a Golden Retriever, and her life with the narrator's family, from adoption to passing away.
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